This website is being managed and maintained by Mandurah Tourism Inc. t/a Visit Mandurah.
All information on this website is believed to be current and accurate. All business listings on this website are partners of the Mandurah Visitor Centre, which relies on the information by those members to be accurate and comprehensive. Visit Mandurah does not warrant the accuracy of the information provided on this website other than the information provided by the organisation regarding its own services.
Members of the public should verify the accuracy of all of the information with the businesses or those who provide the advertised facilities or services.
This website may contain information about activities which, by reason of required physical exertion or the degree of physical fitness required, may be unsuitable or dangerous for certain persons or persons suffering certain health conditions. Other activities may be inherently dangerous. It is the responsibility of each person who undertakes such activities to verify with their doctor beforehand that they have the physical ability to undertake those activities. All persons who participate in such activities warrant in favour of Visit Mandurah and the Mandurah Visitor Centre that they are physically fit and capable of undertaking those activities.
Visit Mandurah and the Mandurah Visitor Centre make no representation of fact, nature, quality or suitability about all or any of the activities promoted by it whether on this website or elsewhere. By using this portal you acknowledge that any reliance upon any such opinion, advice, statement or information shall be at your sole risk. Users are advised to make their own assessments of the businesses’ goods and services whose websites are hyperlinked to this website.
Visit Mandurah and the Mandurah Visitor Centre make no warranty regarding any hosted website nor any content, services or products provided through or in connection with any website hosted or hyperlinked by Visit Mandurah. Visit Mandurah and the Mandurah Visitor Centre expressly disclaim any and all warranties, express or implied, including, without limitation:
(a) all warranties as to the availability or accuracy, of information, products or services which are advertised, promoted or hyperlinked on this website; and
(b) all warranties of fitness or suitability for a particular purpose.
In no event will Visit Mandurah or Mandurah Visitor Centre, its affiliates, licensees, employees, agents or contractors be liable to you for any damages or losses, including without limitation indirect, consequential, special, incidental or punitive damages resulting from or caused by use of this website and/or any website hyperlinked to it.
Visit Mandurah and the Mandurah Visitor Centre shall not be responsible for the propagation of computer worms or viruses transmitted from this website or from the websites of any of its partners whose businesses are mentioned or promoted on this website. Nor shall Visit Mandurah and Mandurah Visitor Centre be liable for any loss, injury, damage or inconvenience suffered or incurred by any person as the result of that person accessing this website and/or purchasing, participating in or undertaking any service or activity advertised, promoted on this website or booked with, through or by the Mandurah Visitor Centre.
The Mandurah Visitor Centre acts solely as the agent for its members whose products and services it promotes and by making any booking or using this website, the user agrees that the Mandurah Visitor Centre shall not be liable to any person in respect of such products, services or activities.