How the locals like it

Emma Blyth,

My parents opted for a sea change when I was four. Dad liked the surf and fishing so they chose Mandurah as a great place to raise their family.

Emma Blyth and Crab Fest 2019 artwork credit Simon Haggett 1

I really love the waterways of Mandurah – and it all revolves around our beautiful Mandjar Bay; it really is the heart of Mandurah and a lot of my Mandurah-themed works are inspired by it. 

There is a real community connection to it – as well as the Old Bridge with its multi generations of fisher people. I have my own gallery inside the Mandurah Visitor Centre and create original paintings, prints and Australian made gifts to promote our amazing region and beyond. 

I have seen some big changes to the area in recent times. The Old Bridge replacement is an obvious one, as well as an increase in visitor numbers with the ease of travelling down from Perth on the train. I think even more community involvement and supporting local in recent years has also had a big positive factor in the growth of our city and the connection of our people.

I don’t spend a lot of time at the front of my gallery but when I do, I love to have a chat. There has definitely been an increase in tourists from Asia and there have been quite a few young couples from Europe doing the big drive around the country popping in to visit!

The region has the most amazing natural qualities. The waterways are by far our biggest asset, with our dolphin population being a massive drawcard for tourists. One of my favourite things to do is head out to the Peel Estuary in our dingy at sunset with a wine in hand while my man catches a feed of our famous blue swimmer crabs.

Our annual Crab Fest is a great time to visit the region, and the dolphins often put on a spectacle of their own, delighting the crowds. It is now one of WA’s most loved festivals and I am so proud to create the art for it!


It is hard to pick just one!

  • Morning coffee – DPM Café, an awesome hole in the wall coffee shop with views of the foreshore. 
  • Breakfast/Lunch – Mataya Eatery Fresh and healthy! 
  • Dinner – Flics Kitchen Tapas style, exciting food, in the heart of town. 
  • Redmanna Waterfront Restaurant for a special occasion and The Bridge for a beer!

how the
like it

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