George Walley,
Mandjoogoordap Dreaming
Bindjareb Noongar people have lived in this area for thousands of years. The footprint of cultural knowledge allows visitors to experience a number of tours and learn something amazing through my cultural knowledge.

Our ancestors gave us the name, Mandjoogoordap and its meaning is “meeting place of the heart”.
It is respectful to the land, spirituality and the people. This place is our heartland or kaaleepga and our names are more than names, they are concepts that have names within names which gives a true meaning of the human relationship with land and Spirit.
For me, the thrombolites in the Yalgorup National Park are the most significant visitor attraction and they attract global interest. Thrombolites are the oldest known living bacterial life form, surviving after millions of years of existence. This rare and endangered natural feature is also very spiritual, playing a big part in our creation story. They act as a very visual link to the Aboriginal heritage of the region and when the wind blows, it is a very spiritual experience.
The waterways are Mandurah’s best asset. The co-existence of the waterways as a popular resource, and our most important Spiritual asset, reassures me that there will always be an opportunity to show visitors something special in many places around the area. I find that people who go on our tours are very respectful. I see a range of reactions and changed opinions.
When people become aware of the amazing local Aboriginal culture, they often become emotional as their eyes open to something they didn’t know. Mandurah has become a more attractive place to visit in recent times. It has so much to offer and it’s great to see many tourism businesses making the most of the natural assets such as the waterways.
Nanga Mill campsite in Dwellingup. It’s a place we can chill out and get back to nature. The land and the forest give you good energy.
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